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Hypnosis for smoking cessation

March 4, 2022

As an ex-smoker, I truly enjoy helping smokers quit.  I've probably done more than 3 thousand sessions for this deadly habit.

Most people just stop after a session.  A high percentage were 2 or 3 pack a day smokers.
The first thing that I tell them is that they aren't addicted to smoking, they're addicted to nicotine.
And because smoking addiction is so Pavlovian in nature linked to coffee, driving, etc. Hypnosis can break those linkages. Many people will say after a session with me that they feel that they never smoked.
The deep relaxation that hypnosis provides, overrides any nicotine withdrawal, but the suggestions themselves change the very nature of the old feeling. Many are repulsed by cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, or vaping afterward.
At the very least hypnosis makes it much easier to escape the trap.
And one more thing. Quitting with hypnosis often engenders greater confidence in life resulting in more career and personal success as the feeling of shedding this burden sets the spirit free. And more often than not, ex-smokers will keep their weight down or even lose weight contrary to the common notion that quitting adds weight.